Apr 21·edited Apr 21

I’m curious about the adding him to the character list a third and final time. Is this a Mythic GME thing? After an interaction do you remove a character from the list? Or is it that he has three entries existing on the list so higher chance of rolling an interaction?

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It is a Mythic GME 2e thing, originally from The Adventure Crafter. I guess it's to prevent one NPC from completely filling up the character list and dominating the rolls. Limiting to a max of three gives that character more emphasis (and thus more chances to come up in a random event), but does not block the other characters on the list getting a chance to appear.

And no, you don't automatically remove a character after an interaction. They stay there until you remove them. They might die, or you might move out of the area that the character is in, so they're no longer relevant to the story, or what have you.

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Cool. Thanks for explaining. I have Mythic but have yet to read the whole thing.

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If you have Mythic GME 2e, have a read of the "Add List Elements" section of the "End of Scene Bookkeeping" part of the Scenes chapter (p111).

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